
لماذا يعتبر النقش بليزر الألياف هو التقنية المفضلة لمعالجة المعادن؟?

dog tag fiber laser engraving machine 1

The industry of fiber lasers has seen exponential growth in recent years due to being high in demand. From customizing products to carving, industry-level objects, these lasers have found their usage everywhere. From creating unique promotional material, and jewelry to preparing surgical items, fiber lasers are seen as an efficient multipurpose tool.  

Fiber laser engraving is considered of utmost importance, as it is a versatile marking process. It uses a highly focused laser beam to remove material permanently from the desired object’s surface. This process confines itself to a non-contact approach seen as a time-efficient option. Since this technology’s emergence in the 1990s, it has seen significant improvements.

From modern control systems, and high precision to detailing such as maintaining minimum edge roughness, it has shown growth in the metal processing sector. It’s also dependent on opting for high-quality حفارة ألياف الليزر to avail of all these benefits. ComMarker excels in this regard, as they provide the B4 fiber laser engraver that provides optimum usability and high-speed production.

It can cut to varying depths and wattage, making it suitable for a broad variety of materials. To understand the prime reasons of fiber laser engraver being the ideal choice for metal processing, we have created a comprehensive article below.

Fundamental Principles of Fiber Laser Technology

Before getting into the depth of fiber laser engraver, it’s important to look into its working and related aspects, as elaborated below.

Fiber Laser Mechanics

With a gain medium as doped silica fiber, this is a solid-state laser. It also contains rare-earth metals containing optical fibers that amplify light. عادة, الإيتربيوم (نعم) or erbium (Er) are used to create the laser beam.

When pump light excites rare-earth ions in the fiber core, the fiber laser activates. Diode lasers produce light at a wavelength that rare-earth ions absorb. Due to the energy transitions of the ions, they release photos. These photos align with the laser’s emission wavelength, producing a concentrated beam of light.

This beam is then focused on a desired metal, and it removes a layer from its surface, making a carving. This can vary in depth according to the setting and speed of the fiber laser engraver. ComMarker B4 works on this principle and works on a wavelength of 1064nm.

Comparison with Other Laser Types

Due to being considered a high-functioning engraver, let’s look at its working as compared to other types of حفارة الليزر.


This type of laser has varying beam quality and slow marking speed, whereas fiber laser beam has low divergence and fast marking speed. Batch production is ideal with fiber lasers, but not as much for CO2 lasers. Fiber lasers also have no maintenance, but CO2 lasers require maintenance, which increases its overall cost.


One of the most popular options, when considered next to fiber lasers, is YAG lasers. In comparison to fiber lasers, these have a high initial cost. Fiber lasers can work with varying depths however YAG lasers, although help in bulk production, can slow down in processing rate when used on thick materials.

الصمام الثنائي

This kind of laser is the most affordable among all kinds. They are not as precise as fiber laser engravers. Metals and certain plastics are their limitations regarding materials, لكن, fiber lasers can engrave on several materials.

الأشعة فوق البنفسجية

The material range of UV lasers is broader than fiber lasers. UV lasers are exceptionally efficient and generate less heat as compared to fiber lasers. Fiber lasers have low maintenance as compared to UV lasers and have a lower cost than these.

Key Components of Fiber Laser Engraver

مصدر الليزر

This generates a high-powered laser beam that performs the markings on the desired surface.

Marking Head

Optical components of the laser are enclosed in this area. A focusing lens, galvo scanner, and beam expander are found within this. Precise positioning of the beam is enabled by this.

نظام التحكم

This aligns the interaction between various components of the laser engraver. It receives instructions and generates the appropriate laser to go through previse marking operations.

Workpiece Positioning System

This accurately positions the workpiece according to the marking head. Motorized stages, rotary tables, and positioning systems are a part of this.

Advantages of Fiber Laser Engraving in Metal Processing

Revolutionizing the metal processing industry, fiber laser engravers provide benefits in the following aspects.

دقة عالية

  • Extremely narrow beams of fiber laser engravers ensure unique design formation on the metal with high precision.
  • With fine lines, their creation of intricate details is up to the mark with accuracy. This can be displayed by ComMarker B4, which works at a precision of 0.01mm.


  • The rapid marking speed of fiber laser engravers makes them extremely useful.
  • Compared to traditional carving methods, this is fast and reduces operational costs. ComMarker B4 operates 15,000 مم/ثانية, making it an optimum choice for small businesses.


  • A wide range of materials can be engraved using this engraver.
  • From aluminum, فُولاَذ, نحاس, نحاس, and gold to titanium, almost all metals can be easily engraved by thisماكينة النقش بالليزر.
  • A variety of marking tasks can be completed using this, making it multipurpose.
  • This is highly adaptable and can cut various details just by the use of its software.


  • Being resistant to wear and tear, corrosion, and environmental changes, it is highly durable.
  • Along with being durable, unlike other traditional machines that use mechanical tools, fiber laser engraver creates carvings that withstand the test of time. Their carvings do not degrade or fade, making them ideal.
  • علاوة على ذلك, fiber laser engravers have a long lifespan, making them a great long-term investment for SMEs.ComMarker B4 has a lifespan of 100,000 Hrs/ 8 سنين, making it an excellent option.

Industrial Applications

صناعة السيارات

  • It is used to mark automotive components with identification codes. Serial numbers, VINs, manufacturing batch numbers etc are all done through this.
  • Circuit boards, door panels, wheels, sensors, etc are also marked with details and the company logo using a fiber laser engraver.
  • Safety warranty, instructions are also easily carved on various cars and vehicles using this type of laser engraver.

POD Industry

  • The POD sector includes a variety and range of materials that need engraving, and fiber laser engraver excels in this regard.
  • Personalizing accessories, سلاسل المفاتيح, promotional products, and some types of leather goods can easily be done by this.
  • Carving logos and various images on aluminum boxes and several other products shows the use of this laser effectively.

Medical Equipment Manufacturing

  • Marking surgical equipment, with identification codes, and batch number of the instrument is widely done using this laser.
  • Dental implants, cardiovascular stents, and many other medical implants require extreme detail and caution. Fiber laser engravers work the best in this aspect.
  • Engraving on medical devices such as syringes, and other diagnostic equipment is also done by these.
  • Identifying various medical devices of the sterilization process such as autoclaving can be engraved on the equipment by this laser engraver.

Jewelry industry

  • ComMarker B4 having 20 W laser power can engrave personalized messages and detailed images on jewelry pieces.
  • Metal purity markings, رموز التعريف, or customized client details can be carved on the rings, necklaces bracelets etc using a fiber laser engraver.
  • Creating intricate patterns or marking the gemstones within the jewelry is also done everywhere using such lasers.

Future Trends in Fiber Laser Engraving

Numerous positive advances will likely impact the development of fiber laser engraving technology.

  • Enhancing automation through the inclusion of AI and Machine learning within the function of fiber laser engravers can be a big stepping stone in the realm of technological advancement. Real-time processing control and excellent marking parameters will be seen as a result of this.
  • Additive manufacturing has been in talks, particularly 3D-metal printing, allowing direct marking on 3D metal components. This can be seen as a successful future trend for fiber laser engravers.
  • Nanotechnology with seamless robotic systems will also be seen the usage of such lasers to create micro-details on metals.  

Environmental and Safety Considerations of Fiber Laser Engravers

  • Fiber laser engravers are typically regarded to be ecologically not dangerous and have a safe marking technique. They are more environmentally friendly and safer than chemical etching and mechanical engraving.
  • Chemical and solvent-based processes create more fumes and waste than fiber laser engraving. It decreases air and water pollution and the environmental effects of engraving.
  • Fiber laser engravers use far less power than conventional marking methods while still producing precise results.
  • Since fiber laser engraving is a non-contact process, it avoids damaging the workpiece by accidental touch. This reduces workpiece damage and injury risk.
  •  Safety interlocks and sensors prohibit fiber laser engravers from operating if safety requirements are not met. This prevents accidents and assures safety.
  • Operating this equipment requires safety precautions, including wearing glasses and following manufacturer’s guidelines.

ماكينة النقش بالليزر كومماركر B4 20 وات

(11 آراء العملاء)
$1,999 $1,499 يحفظ:$500

الرفع الكهربائي: يتميز ComMarker B4-20W بميزة متقدمة, محرك رفع مخفي. 3د النقش والنقش العميق: آلة النقش بالليزر B4-20W تتعامل بشكل معقد, نقش ثلاثي الأبعاد متعدد المستويات وحفر عميق على المعدن والصخر. منطقة عمل واسعة: 110عدسات مزدوجة مم و200 مم, منطقة وضع العلامات مع محددات نقاط حمراء مزدوجة للمعايرة والتركيز الدقيق. توافق واسع: نقش…

0 دوار
D69*1 دوارة
D69 + D80 الروتاري
D80 دوار


The metal works industry requires laser processing that is precise and productive. A high-powered حفارة المعادن بالليزر such as a fiber laser engraver can offer accurate markings in this case. With fast processing speed and efficiency in engraving in detail, these lasers can engrave almost any type of metal. Ideal for SMEs and POD industries, fiber laser engravers are a source of high industrial product production leading to business growth. We hope this article helped you understand why fiber laser engravers are the preferred choice for metal processing.

عن ديفيد لي

مرحبًا, أنا ديفيد لي, أنا متخصص في النقش بالليزر ووضع العلامات التجارية ومتحمس ومبدع، وأتمتع بخبرة واسعة ومجموعة واسعة من المعرفة. على مدى 10 سنين, لقد ركزت على حلول النقش بالليزر ووضع العلامات لمختلف المشاريع التجارية. أنا حساس للتقنيات الجديدة واتجاهات التصميم ,نسعى باستمرار للحصول على أفضل تجربة للنقش بالليزر ووضع العلامات

المنشورات ذات الصلة

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