
ComMarker Laser Machines Explained: Differences, Profitability, and How to Choose the Right One

Laser Engraver for Your Business

Laser cutting and engraving have transformed industries from DIY crafting to industrial manufacturing, offering precision and creativity like never before. ComMarker, a trusted name in laser technology, provides machines tailored for hobbyists, entrepreneurs, and large-scale operations. But with models like the B6, Omni, Und Titan, how do you choose the right one? In diesem Ratgeber, we’ll compare ComMarker’s machines, explore their profitability, and answer all your burning questions—from materials to software. Let’s dive in!

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1. What Are the Differences Between ComMarker Laser Machines?

ComMarker’s lineup caters to diverse needs. Here’s a breakdown of their flagship models:

ModellLasertypLeistungAm besten fürHauptmerkmale
B6Faserlaser20W / 30W/60WIndustrial metal engravingHigh-speed marking on stainless steel, Aluminium
OmniUV-Laser5WSmall businesses & VielseitigkeitEngraves wood, Acryl, Leder, Glas
TitanFaserlaser100W / 200WSuper 3D-Gravur & SchneidfähigkeitEntwickelt für schwere Beanspruchung


  • B6: Built for Metallgravur with fiber laser precision.
  • Omni: A flexible UV machine formulti-material projects.
  • Titan: Heavy-duty power forindustrial cutting and large formats.

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2. Which ComMarker Machine Should You Buy?

  • Für die Metallgravur: Wählen Sie dieB6 (z.B., engrave tools, Schmuck, oder medizinische Geräte).
  • For Crafts & Kleines Unternehmen: DerOmni handles wood, Acryl, and leather—ideal for personalized gifts.
  • For Industrial Production: DerTitan cuts thick materials and supports high-volume workflows.

Still unsure? Compare all models on ComMarker’s website.

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3. Is a ComMarker Laser Engraver Worth It? Profitability Explained

Ja! Hier erfahren Sie, warum:

  • High-Profit Margins: Charge 20–20–100 for custom items like engraved jewelry or signage.
  • Niedrige Betriebskosten: Electricity usage averages $0.50/hour.
  • Diverse Markets: Sell on Etsy, at craft fairs, or to industries needing part markings.

Real-World Example:
A small business using theOmni earns 2,500/monthengravingwoodenweddinginvitations(2,500/MoNTheNGRAvInGwooDeNweddInGInvichTATichoNS(3 material cost, sold for $25 jede).

ROI: Most users break even in 4–8 months.

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4. Is Laser Engraving/Cutting Hard to Learn?

Not with ComMarker! Their machines include:

  • Benutzerfreundliche Software: LightBurn and EZCAD2 (drag-and-drop designs).
  • Free Tutorials: Step-by-step guides for setup and advanced techniques.
  • Gemeinschaftliche Unterstützung: Join ComMarker’s active Facebook group for tips.

Pro Tip: Start with simple projects like engraved coasters or acrylic keychains.


5. Top-Selling Laser Projects in 2025

  1. Individueller Schmuck: Metal pendants (B6) or wooden bracelets (Omni).
  2. Personalisierte Geschenke: Engraved wine glasses, Haustiermarken, and phone cases.
  3. Industrielle Kennzeichnung: QR codes on machinery (B6) or serial numbers.
  4. Home Décor: Wooden wall art (Omni) or acrylic lamps (Titan).
  5. Promotional Items: Logo-engraved pens or USB drives.

Bonus Niche: Engraved firearm accessories (check local regulations).

6. What Materials Can ComMarker Machines Handle?

ComMarker laser machines are designed for versatility, but each model specializes in specific materials. Below is a breakdown of their capabilities:

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6.1. ComMarker OMNI1

  • Cuttable Materials:
    • Most non-metal materials (z.B., Papier, Holz, Acryl, Leder, Stoff).
    • Cannot cut metals.
  • Gravierbare Materialien:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber, Titan, plated/painted metals.
    • Non-Metals: Holz, Leder, Acryl, Bambus, Glas, Keramik, Jade, Marmor, Schiefer, Zement, Ziegel.
    • Andere: Plastik, Stein, Tuch, Seide, Essen (surface engraving).

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6.2. ComMarker B6 & B6 MOPA

  • Cuttable Materials:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber.
  • Gravierbare Materialien:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber, Titan.
    • Non-Metals: Plastik, schwarzes Acryl, Leder, Stein.

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6.3. ComMarker B4 & B4 MOPA

  • Cuttable Materials:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber.
  • Gravierbare Materialien:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber, Titan.
    • Non-Metals: Plastik, schwarzes Acryl, Leder, Stein.

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6.4. ComMarker Titan 1

  • Cuttable Materials:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber.
  • Gravierbare Materialien:
    • Metalle: Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber, Titan.
    • Non-Metals: Plastik, schwarzes Acryl, Leder, Stein.

Wichtige Erkenntnisse

  • OMNI1: Am besten fürnon-metal cutting but canengrave metals and diverse materials (ideal for crafts and mixed-media projects).
  • B6/B4 Series: Built formetal cutting and engraving, with MOPA models offering enhanced precision for delicate tasks (z.B., Schmuck).
  • Titan 1: Focused onindustrial metal cutting/engraving and compatible with robust non-metals.

Material Compatibility Table

OMNI1Holz, Acryl, Stoff, usw.Metalle (Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Gold, Silber) + Kunststoffe, Stein, usw.
B6/B6 MOPAMetalleMetalle, Plastik, schwarzes Acryl, Leder, Stein
B4/B4 MOPAMetalleMetalle, Plastik, schwarzes Acryl, Leder, Stein
Titan 1MetalleMetalle, Plastik, schwarzes Acryl, Leder, Stein

Why Does This Matter?

  • OMNI1: Perfect for small businesses needing flexibility (z.B., engraving metal jewelryUnd cutting wooden signs).
  • B6/B4 MOPA: Ideal for high-detail metalwork (z.B., Teile für die Luft- und Raumfahrt, medical tools).
  • Titan 1: Suits factories needing heavy-duty metal processing.

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7. Softwarekompatibilität

All ComMarker machines work with:

  • LightBurn: Perfect for beginners (supports SVG, PNG, DXF).
  • EZCAD2: Advanced control for industrial marking (B6).

Bonus: ComMarker offers free templates for popular projects!

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8. Which ComMarker Machine Engraves Metal?

DerB6 Fiber Laser is purpose-built for metal engraving. It’s ideal for:

  • Edelstahl: Medical tools, kitchenware.
  • Aluminium: Industrial parts, Auszeichnungen.
  • Brass/Titanium: Schmuck, aerospace components.

Why It’s Unique: Uses a1064nm Wellenlänge for permanent, high-contrast marks.

9. What Can You Create with a ComMarker Machine?

  • Custom Business Logos: Engrave metal business cards (B6).
  • Artisan Crafts: Cut intricate wooden puzzles (Omni).
  • Large Signs: Produce 4×8 ft store signage (Titan).
  • Prototypes: Test product designs quickly.


Final Tips for Choosing Your ComMarker Machine

  1. Define Your Niche: Metallgravur? Choose the B6. Multi-material? Go Omni.
  2. Budget Smartly: The B6 starts under $4000; Omni suits larger budgets.
  3. Test Before Buying: Request a demo from ComMarker’s team.

Um David Lee

Hallo, Ich bin David Lee, Ich bin ein leidenschaftlicher und kreativer professioneller Lasergravierer und Markierungsspezialist mit umfangreicher Erfahrung und einem breiten Wissensspektrum. Über die Vergangenheit 10 Jahre, Ich habe mich auf Lasergravur- und Markierungslösungen für verschiedene kommerzielle Projekte konzentriert. Ich bin sensibel für neue Technologien und Designtrends ,Ständig auf der Suche nach der besten Lasergravur- und Markierungserfahrung

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