
Was macht eine Lasergravurmaschine??

What Can the ComMarker B6 MOPA Fiber Laser Do

Laser-Gravur is a powerful and precise method of marking and cutting various materials using a focused beam of light. This technology has revolutionized industries such as manufacturing, arts, Kunsthandwerk, Werbung, und mehr. Lasergravurmaschinen are incredibly versatile tools that can create intricate designs, Text, and even 3D objects on a wide range of materials, einschließlich Metalle, Kunststoffe, Holz, Glas, und mehr.

In diesem Artikel, we will delve into the details of what a Lasergravurmaschine tut, wie es funktioniert, its capabilities, and the types of materials it can engrave. We will also explore the different types of lasers, their features, Anwendungen, and how professionals in the engraving industry use them to create high-quality, präzise Gravuren.

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1. Was ist Lasergravur??

Laser-Gravur refers to the process of using a laser beam to etch or mark a surface permanently. The laser works by focusing a highly concentrated light beam onto the material’s surface. The intense heat generated by the laser melts, vaporizes, or burns away a thin layer of material, eine bleibende Markierung schaffen. This technology is used for marking, Schneiden, or etching designs, Logos, Text, Muster, oder Bilder.

Laser engraving differs from other methods, wie zum Beispiel laser marking oder Laserschneiden, in that it typically removes a small amount of material from the surface to create a mark, rather than cutting through the material. This allows for fine details and deep engraving in a controlled manner.

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2. How Does a Laser Engraving Machine Work?

Laser engraving machines operate on a simple but highly effective principle: using the power of focused light. The basic components of a laser engraving system include:


The laser source is the heart of the engraving machine. It generates the focused laser beam that will engrave the material. The source can either be a CO2 laser, Faserlaser, oder UV-Laser, depending on the material being worked on. The laser’s wavelength determines the type of material it is best suited for.

Beam Delivery System

The laser beam is directed onto the material through a system of mirrors and lenses. These components focus the laser onto the surface of the material, allowing it to engrave or cut with high precision.


The engraving machine’s control system governs how the laser operates. It takes input from design software, which generates a pattern or design that the machine then follows. The control system dictates the speed, Intensität, and movement of the laser beam to ensure the engraving is executed accurately.

Work Area

The material being engraved is placed on a platform or bed, which can be adjusted to suit different workpieces. Some machines come with a rotary attachment that allows for engraving cylindrical objects, such as bottles, Becher, und Stifte.

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3. Arten von Lasergravurmaschinen

Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Lasergravierern, each suited for different tasks and materials. Let’s break down the main types:

CO2 Laser Engraving Machines

CO2 lasers are widely used for engraving and cutting non-metal materials. These lasers produce a longer wavelength (um 10.6 Mikrometer) that is ideal for materials such as Holz, Acryl, Kunststoffe, Und Glas. CO2 lasers are capable of deep engraving and cutting on soft materials and are commonly used in industries like signage, Verpackung, und Kunsthandwerk.


Fiber lasers are ideal for engraving metals and other materials that require high precision. These lasers operate at a shorter wavelength (um 1.06 Mikrometer), which is more efficiently absorbed by metals, Damit sind sie ideal für Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Und Kupfer. Fiber lasers are typically faster and more precise than CO2 lasers when it comes to metal engraving.


UV-Laser use a much shorter wavelength than CO2 or fiber lasers (um 355 nm), Damit sind sie ideal für marking plastics, Glas, Und Keramik. UV lasers generate less heat, which helps prevent material deformation, making them perfect for delicate materials that might otherwise crack or burn.

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4. Capabilities of a Laser Engraving Machine

Laser engraving machines are capable of performing a variety of tasks with precision and efficiency. Here are some of the key capabilities:

Marking and Etching

Laser engraving is often used for marking and etching designs, Logos, Barcodes, QR-Codes, and serial numbers on materials. The engraved marks are permanent and can’t be removed by external forces. This is commonly used for product branding, Rückverfolgbarkeit, Und security features.


While engraving typically removes a small amount of material, laser engraving machines can also be used for cutting through materials. The laser beam melts or vaporizes the material along a designated cutting path. Laser cutters are ideal for making intricate cuts and designs on Holz, Plastik, Acryl, and thin Metalle.

3D Gravur

Many advanced laser engraving machines can also perform 3D-Gravur. This involves engraving on a curved or irregular surface. The process adds depth to the engraving and creates a three-dimensional effect, which is often used in artistic and industrial applications.


Zusätzlich zur Gravur, some lasers can create colored marks on metals by manipulating the surface’s structure with precise heat. This is especially popular in metal marking Anwendungen, where a range of colors, such as black, Gold, and blue, can be achieved on stainless steel, Aluminium, und Titan.

Engraving on Cylindrical Objects

Laser engravers can also be used for engraving on cylindrical objects, wie zum Beispiel Becher, Flaschen, Und Stifte, using a Rotationsbefestigung. The rotary device allows the laser to move around the object, ensuring even and precise engraving along curved surfaces.

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5. Materials That Can Be Engraved

Lasergravierer können mit einer Vielzahl von Materialien arbeiten, making them highly versatile. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most common materials that laser engraving machines can handle:


Laser engraving is ideal for engraving metals like Edelstahl, Aluminium, Messing, Kupfer, Gold, Und Silber. This is often done using Faserlaser oder UV-Laser, which are perfect for creating precise, high-quality marks on hard surfaces.


Wood is one of the most commonly engraved materials. Laser engraving on wood can create beautiful and intricate designs, making it ideal for personalized products, Wohnkultur, and artwork. CO2-Laser are most commonly used for wood engraving.

Acryl und Kunststoffe

Acryl, Plastik, and rubber are popular materials for laser engraving due to their versatility. CO2 lasers are highly effective for engraving these materials, and they’re widely used for signage, Werbeartikel, und kundenspezifische Designs.


Leather is a popular material for laser engraving, especially for creating personalized items like wallets, Gürtel, und Taschen. Beide CO2 Und Faserlaser can be used to engrave on leather, though CO2 lasers are more commonly used.

Glass and Stone

UV lasers are ideal for engraving on glass, Keramik, und Stein. These materials require low heat generation, and UV lasers provide a cleaner and more delicate engraving process. Laser engraving on glass is commonly used for creating personalized glassware, Trophäen, und Dekorationsartikel.

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6. What Are the Benefits of Using a Laser Engraving Machine?

Laser engraving offers numerous advantages over traditional engraving methods. Some of the primary benefits include:

Präzision und Genauigkeit

Laser engraving machines are highly precise, capable of achieving repeat accuracy of ±0.001mm. This allows for intricate designs and fine details, especially when working with small objects or fine text.

Geschwindigkeit und Effizienz

Laser engraving is much faster than traditional engraving methods. The speed of the machine ensures that large quantities of work can be completed quickly without compromising on quality. Many laser engraving machines can engrave at speeds of up to 15,000mm/s, significantly increasing productivity.


Laser engraving provides endless opportunities for Anpassung. It can be used for one-off designs, personalisierte Geschenke, and mass-produced products, offering both low-volume and high-volume production capabilities.

Clean and Non-contact Process

Unlike traditional engraving methods that may require physical tools to carve into the material, Lasergravur ist ein non-contact Verfahren. This reduces wear and tear on the machine and ensures that materials remain in pristine condition.

Minimal Waste

Laser engraving produces minimal material waste. Since the laser cuts or etches the material precisely, there’s no excess material or messy clean-up after the process.

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7. What Industries Use Laser Engraving?

Laser engraving is used in a wide variety of industries, einschließlich:

  • Manufacturing: For marking parts, Werkzeuge, and creating serial numbers.
  • Schmuck: For engraving intricate designs, personalizations, and creating custom pieces.
  • Beschilderung: For creating engraved signs and custom logos.
  • Automobil: For creating VIN codes, Teilnummern, und Markenbildung.
  • Medizinisch: For engraving medical devices and parts with serial numbers or traceability marks.
  • Crafts and Personalized Products: For custom engravings on gifts, Kunstwerk, und Werbeartikel.

Laser engraving machines are highly versatile tools that can handle a wide range of materials with precision and efficiency. Ob Sie gravieren Metalle, Holz, Kunststoffe, oder Glas, A Lasergravurmaschine offers unmatched accuracy, Geschwindigkeit, und Anpassung. With advanced technologies such as MOPA-Laser, Faserlaser, Und CO2-Laser, engraving professionals can tackle even the most complex engraving tasks.

Whether you’re looking to expand your capabilities or dive into the world of laser engraving, understanding how a Lasergravurmaschine works and what it can do is essential. By choosing the right machine for your needs, you can elevate your business or personal projects to new heights of creativity and professionalism.

Um David Lee

Hallo, Ich bin David Lee, Ich bin ein leidenschaftlicher und kreativer professioneller Lasergravierer und Markierungsspezialist mit umfangreicher Erfahrung und einem breiten Wissensspektrum. Über die Vergangenheit 10 Jahre, Ich habe mich auf Lasergravur- und Markierungslösungen für verschiedene kommerzielle Projekte konzentriert. Ich bin sensibel für neue Technologien und Designtrends ,Ständig auf der Suche nach der besten Lasergravur- und Markierungserfahrung

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