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ComMarker で新学期を迎える: 精密なレーザー彫刻で供給品をグレードアップ

back to school

新学期シーズンが近づいてくると、, it’s the perfect time to personalize and elevate your school supplies. This year, stand out with customized items that showcase your unique style and personality. コムマーカーで, we’re excited to help you create beautifully engraved supplies that are not only practical but also one-of-a-kind. Discover how our ComMarker B4 series can transform your school essentials into personalized masterpieces through precision laser engraving.

Personalize Your School Supplies with ComMarker B4

Engrave Your Stationery

From notebooks and pencil cases to rulers and erasers, our ComMarker B4 series allows you to add a personal touch to all your stationery items using advanced レーザー彫刻 テクノロジー. Imagine having your name, favorite quotes, or unique designs engraved on your supplies, making them truly yours. The precision and accuracy of our ファイバーレーザー彫刻機 ensure that every detail is captured perfectly through laser engraving.

3瓦 金属漆面

Customize Your Trendy Tumblers and Thermoses

Stay hydrated in style with customized tumblers and thermoses. 私たちの ComMarker B4 machines can engrave intricate designs on various types of tumblers and thermoses, including metal and plastic. Whether you want to add your name, school logo, or a motivational message, our laser engravers can create stunning results that will make your tumblers and thermoses stand out.

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Unique Designs on Backpacks and Bags

Make your backpack or bag uniquely yours with the help of ComMarker’s laser engraving. Our powerful fiber laser engravers can handle a range of materials, allowing you to engrave leather, ファブリック, もっと. Personalize your bag with your initials, favorite patterns, or custom artwork to make a statement wherever you go.

T1PRO雕刻皮革 2

Stylish Lunch Boxes and Containers

Transform your lunch boxes and containers into stylish and personalized items with our ComMarker B4 series. 使用する レーザー彫刻, you can engrave names, fun designs, or special messages to make lunchtime more enjoyable. Our machines can handle various materials, ensuring that your designs are durable and long-lasting.


Decorative Keychains and Accessories

Create custom keychains and accessories that add a personal touch to your school gear. 私たちの ComMarker B4 engravers can etch intricate details onto metal, プラスチック, and other materials using laser engraving, making it easy to design unique pieces that reflect your style.


Why Choose ComMarker B4 Series for Your Back-to-School Engraving Needs?

Perfect for Beginners and Hobbyists

  • 電動リフティング: Ensures spot-on focusing with a concealed lifting motor, designed for beginners.
  • 幅広い互換性: Works with software like LightBurn & EZCAD2 for customizable and user-friendly laser engraving.
  • 超切断能力: Laser power cuts metals with 0.01 mm accuracy, rendering intricate images perfectly through laser engraving.
  • Industrial-Grade Machine: High-speed engraving with advanced Galvo technology.
  • ポータブル & 手頃な価格: Weighs only 11kg with a handheld function, suitable for various materials.

ComMarker B4 20W ファイバー レーザー彫刻機

(11 カスタマーレビュー)
$1,999 $1,499 保存:$500

電動リフティング: ComMarker B4-20W は、高度な機能を備えています。, 隠された昇降モーター. 3D エンボス加工と深彫り加工: B4-20W レーザー彫刻機は複雑なハンドルを備えています, 金属や岩石へのマルチレベルの 3D 彫刻と深彫り. 広々とした作業エリア: 110mmおよび200mmデュアルレンズ, 正確なキャリブレーションと焦点合わせのためのデュアルレッドドットロケータを備えたマーキングエリア. 幅広い互換性: 彫刻する…

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D69+D80 ロータリー

Get Ready for Back-to-School with ComMarker

This back-to-school season, make your supplies stand out with the help of ComMarker. 私たちの B4 series fiber laser engravers provide the precision, 多用途性, and ease of use needed to create personalized items that reflect your unique style. Explore our range of machines and discover how easy it is to elevate your school essentials through laser engraving.

Visit our website to learn more about the ComMarker B4 series and get started on your personalized laser engraving journey today. Make this school year unforgettable with custom engraved supplies that are as unique as you are!

について デビッド・リー

こんにちは, 私はデビッド・リーです, 私は、豊富な経験と幅広い知識を持つ、情熱的でクリエイティブな商用レーザー彫刻およびマーキングのスペシャリストです。. 過去を超えて 10 年, 私は、さまざまな商業プロジェクトのためのレーザー彫刻機とマーキング ソリューションに注力してきました。新しいテクノロジーやデザインのトレンドに敏感です。 ,最高のレーザー彫刻とマーキング体験を常に追求しています

