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ComMarker B4 ファイバー レーザー彫刻機で創造性を解き放ちましょう

ComMarker B4 Fiber Laser Engraver

あなたの創造性は構造によって制限されていませんか, スピード, 今日のレーザー彫刻機の精度? Is your business held back due to the lack of high-quality engraver options? Not anymore, thanks to a revolutionary new solution designed to drive your business success.

20W ComMarker B4 boasts the smallest size and most powerful output across all industrial-grade fiber laser engravers. It delivers deeper etches faster and with finer detail on all metals, as well as on plastic, レザー, もっと. The ComMarker B4 is handheld with automatic lifting for easy use and comes with many useful features and accessories for batch engraving.

趣味人であっても, アーティスト, または小規模製造業の経営者, the ComMarker B4 is the ideal tool to scale your business.


Key Features of the ComMarker B4


  • High Resolution: The ComMarker B4 delivers exceptional high-resolution engraving, crucial for the fine details required in jewelry making and other applications.
  • Rapid Processing: With speeds 10+ times faster than competitors, what previously took minutes now takes seconds. Bring your masterpieces to life in a blink of an eye.

Advanced Technology

  • Fiber Laser Source:ComMarker B4’s fiber laser source uses advanced technology to create a stronger, faster-moving laser output, resulting in faster, もっと深く, そしてより正確な彫刻.
  • High-Precision Field Mirror: Increases energy density and collimates the laser beam at one point, enhancing accuracy and speed.
  • Galvano Scanner and Field Lens: Drives precise, 素早いレーザーの動き.

Versatility and Compatibility

  • 材質の適合性: Engraves a variety of metals, ゴールドを含む, 銀, 白金, and alloys, as well as non-metal materials like plastic and leather.
  • Handheld Function: A portable handle offers optimal range of movement, making engraving on larger, irregularly shaped objects a breeze.


  • Intuitive Operation: ユーザーフレンドリーなアプリで画像をすばやくキャプチャしてアップロード, 必要な結果が得られるように編集してください, レーザー彫刻された傑作のあなただけのプライベート ギャラリーを作成します.
  • バッチ彫刻: Perform batch engravings with high efficiency. の コムマーカー B4 memorizes patterns, even when disconnected or reset, increasing efficiency for mass production.

Additional Benefits

  • Longevity and Low Maintenance: ファイバーレーザー source has a typical lifetime of 100,000 時間, ensuring over 10 years of full-time work. Low maintenance needs translate to reduced overall costs.
  • 安全機能: Equipped with high-level safety protection, including an emergency stop function and high-quality safety goggles to protect your eyes.
  • Compact and Portable: Small size (382756cm) and light weight (3KG handle) make it ideal for those with limited space but who still want the features and power of an industrial system.

Reviews and Testimonials

マルコ担当者:Check out this FRESH REVIEW from Marco Reps!”

三脚ガレージ:Check out this FRESH REVIEW from Tripods Garage!”

スウェーデンのメーカー:Check out this FRESH REVIEW from The Swedish Maker!”

About ComMarker

ComMarker has been involved in the laser engraving and marking industry for more than 10 年. Since emerging on the international market in 2020, it has established trading partners in multiple countries, including Germany, the United States, 日本, and Malaysia. ComMarker products are available on international sales platforms like Amazon, AliExpress, and Alibaba, enjoying robust sales across six continents.

ComMarker provides engraving and marking solutions for startup entrepreneurs, 店, そして小さな工場. As a pioneer of desktop industrial laser marking machines, ComMarker helps thousands of small and medium-sized businesses achieve convenient marking and engraving experiences.


Specifications for ComMarker B4 Fiber Laser Engraver


について デビッド・リー

こんにちは, 私はデビッド・リーです, 私は、豊富な経験と幅広い知識を持つ、情熱的でクリエイティブな商用レーザー彫刻およびマーキングのスペシャリストです。. 過去を超えて 10 年, 私は、さまざまな商業プロジェクトのためのレーザー彫刻機とマーキング ソリューションに注力してきました。新しいテクノロジーやデザインのトレンドに敏感です。 ,最高のレーザー彫刻とマーキング体験を常に追求しています

