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ComMarker B4 UV 레이저를 사용한 대나무 컵 조각에 대한 단계별 가이드

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대나무 컵의 지속 가능한 특성으로 인해 음료를 마시는 사람들에게 다양한 선택이 가능합니다.. People have started opting for customized bamboo cups that match their unique style. Personalized engraving through UV lasers is one of the most sought-after techniques to get detailed logos and images carved on the cup.

To DIY a bamboo cup design, opting for a reliable manufacturer to purchase a UV laser engraver is integral. For personal use, SMEs, or print-on-demand industries, ComMarker B4 laser technology brings forward high performance with long-lasting results.

Their B4 UV laser engraving machine ensures high precision and fast processing, which also makes it highly time-efficient. If you have a 레이저 조각사, it is beneficial to understand how to laser engrave bamboo cups. You can not only make your own collection but can make them for others and turn engraved bamboo products into a business.

이 기사에서는, we will look into all the details about how you can use a UV laser engraver to mark a bamboo drinking cup. You can follow the same method on any type of bamboo product or just a plain bamboo product.

UV 레이저 마킹 머신

$6,110 $5,499 구하다:$611

ComMarker UV 레이저 마킹기 📜사양 매개변수: 공기 냉각, 힘: 35W 크기:350x650x720mm(13.78×25.59×28.35인치), 렌즈: 110mm x 110mm(6.89×6.89인치), 무게: 50.71 파운드(23킬로그램) 🤖컴마커 UV 레이저


Can You Laser Engrave bamboo?

The short answer is YES.

Laser enthusiasts and machine owners would love to know whether they can engrave bamboo using lasers or not. There is no doubt that you can do that, but it is a must to follow the proper method.

What Makes Bamboo an Ideal Material for UV Laser Engraving?

Adding a personal touch on a bamboo cup or utilizing this with a customized design for a company as a marketing tacticenhances its functionality. Due to the eccentric properties of bamboo, this is an excellent choice to be engraved by a UV laser. Here are a few of its characteristics that align with its compatibility with a UV laser.

Uniform Surface

Apart from being strong, bamboo’s surface is pretty smooth. It’s also dense depending on the part chosen to make the cup. Due to its properties, UV laser can easily glide creating a detailed design on its top surface without any inconsistencies. Crisp lines can be created because their surface facilitates light distribution, leaving no bumps. By vaporizing the outer layer of bamboo, the laser exposes the inner layer, which is lighter in color and provides a subtle but appealing contrast.


Whether it’s simple text or complex design forms, anything can be easily created on a bamboo surface. It is adaptable and can be used for many purposes, for beverages during traveling, to be used as a decoration piece, or utilized by brands as an advertisement product. The business can easily print its logo on it, which is a great tactic for marketing during events etc.

Minimal Charring

Bamboo has abrasion-resistant properties because of which UV laser engraving minimizes the charring effect on it. It also leaves minimal smoke, which eliminates any need to further process the finished product. No rough edges are created through this method, reducing production costs.


Sustainable products are high in demand to reduce the toxic effects of solvents and chemicals along with waste production on earth. No harsh chemicals are required in the UV laser processing of bamboo, thus no toxins are produced.  이 외에도, bamboo cups can be recycled and reused multiple times, making them an efficient product.

How Does the ComMarker B4 UV Laser Engraver Outperform Alternative Bamboo Cups Engraving Equipment?

The market is saturated with a variety of laser engravers, but ComMarker B4 is a leading device due to its many characteristics that make it highly compatible with bamboo. Let’s discuss some of these below.

Superior Precision

Highly focused beam is used in the ComMarker B4, which enables micro-detailing on the preferred surface. This device engraves with a precision of 0.01mm, which is unrivaled. Designs with various depths and dimensions can be created on bamboo using this.

Fast Marking Speed

기존의 조각기술과는 다르게, ComMarker B4의 마킹 속도는 7000 밀리미터/초, making it highly efficient. Batch production of bamboo cups can be done within no time through this device.

Minimal Heat Affected Zone

By engraving different materials, laser engravers usually burn the surface or warp it, 하지만, this device uses short pulse durations. With this technique, the heat-affected zone on bamboo is minimized, preventing any warping or discoloration.


Another feature that makes this device ideal for bamboo is its user-friendly interface and operations. Its working does not require a high level of expertise. The software that is compatible with it is easy to install. By following the manufacturer’s guidelines, users can make it work without hassle. For SMEs and individual users, this is an ideal tool for engraving bamboo cups.

Things You Need for Bamboo Laser Engraving with ComMarker

B4 UV laser engraving machine

Here is a list of all the necessary things for bamboo laser engraving.

소프트웨어ComMarker EZCAD UV or Lightburn
기계ComMarker B4 UV laser engraving machine
사용된 재료대나무
재료 정보bamboo Cup

1、 소프트웨어

Used LightBurn 소프트웨어 for ComMarker Creation Space. This is a powerful laser control software with different engraving modes and the capability to set engraving speed as required. A built-in preview function of the design on the bamboo material is another one of its great features.

1)Windows11에 LightBurn 설치

2)EZCAD용 소프트웨어 튜토리얼- 컴마커 섬유 레이저 조각사 marking machine B4

3)MacOS용 LightBurn 설치 튜토리얼

2、 기계

ComMarker B4 UV laser engraving machine

UV Laser Marking Machine 2

ComMarker B4-UV는 다양한 재료에 마킹할 수 있습니다.. 금속이든 비금속이든, 매번 사용할 때마다 완벽한 결과를 얻을 수 있습니다. It is compact with a wide engraving area of 110mm x 110mm or 70mm x 70mm and comes with an international certification of usage.


3、 사용된 재료 & 재료 정보


Four Steps to Engrave Bamboo Cup Using ComMarker B4 UV laser engraving machine

Follow the instruction manual to set up ComMarker B4 UV 레이저 조각 기계. After this, you are ready to engrave the bamboo Cup. Follow the steps below carefully to get amazing results.

메모: We are using the 3W ComMarker B4 UV laser engraving machine.

Step 1: Prepare the Design

Take advantage of graphic design tools like Adobe Illustrator to create or import the design of your choice. Make sure that the design is in a format that is compliant with the LightBurn software, like SVG or PNG, and not a different file type. Upload the design to the software for further use.

Step 2: Clean the Engraving Surface of the bamboo Cup Using Denatured Alcohol

The first step is related to the cleaning of the drinking bamboo Cup. If there are contaminants on the surface of the bamboo, the laser beam might focus on those regions and cause them to overheat and burn. Avoiding these unwanted markings and achieving a consistent engraving can be accomplished by wiping the surface with denatured alcohol.

When cleaning bamboo with denatured alcohol, you can rid of dirt, grease, and other contaminants that could impact how the laser beam interacts with the material. A more refined engraving with enhanced contrast and detail is the end outcome of this method. Clean surfaces make inks and fillers adhere better, enhancing the engraved graphic.

Apply alcohol on a piece of cloth and clean the bamboo Cup. During the process, avoid touching the etching surface with your bare fingers as it will leave the fingerprints.

Step 3: Set up the Power and Speed Settings on the Software.

Connect the laser engraver to an optimum power source.Use the USB cable that came with the laser engraving machine to link your computer to the laser, and then start the LightBurn program. Adjust the design’s scale and placement depending on your bamboo cup preferences.

To visualize the engraving procedure and check that the design is set up accurately on the bamboo cup, employ the preview function of the LightBurn software. Set the power to 3W and speed to 100 밀리미터/초. The power and speed settings here are suggested based on our testing and are most likely intended for the best engraving results. 하지만, you can also adjust it after trials.

image 1

Step 4: Adjust the Laser Focus

It is necessary to adjust the focus of the laser.

Adjust the placement of the module. Position the laser head. To begin, find the center position of the focus adjustment knob. Almost all materials, including bamboo, have this neutral starting point.

You will see the crosshair on the object. Click on the Process button on the software. Click on Framing. Press the button on the machine and frame the image as you like. 마지막으로, click Start and press the button on the machine.

Do a short testing engraving, and If the lines appear blurry or inconsistent, adjust the focus clockwise to sharpen it and move it anticlockwise if you want to widen it. After fine-tuning the focus, you can move on to engraving the bamboo cup.

The focus parameters should be simple to move to the bamboo cup, providing a uniform and precise engraving. The ideal focus level could vary slightly according to the bamboo cup’s distinctive characteristics, like its surface smoothness and curvature.


Bamboo cups are adopted by many individuals as a stylish mode of drinking beverages. Customized bamboo cups can be created with the ComMarker’s B4 UV laser engraver, with fine details that cater to the designs opted by the individual. SMEs and big corporations can also use this machine for bulk manufacturing of bamboo. Due to being durable, bamboo provides a blank canvas to create intricate designs with accuracy. We hope this article aided you in determining the features of ComMarker B4 UV laser engraving machine for engraving bamboo cups and helped you make an informed buying decision.

에 대한 데이비드 리

안녕하세요, 저는 데이빗 리예요, 저는 풍부한 경험과 폭넓은 지식을 갖춘 열정적이고 창의적인 상업용 레이저 조각사이자 마킹 전문가입니다.. 과거에 10 연령, 저는 다양한 상업 프로젝트를 위한 레이저 조각기와 마킹 솔루션에 집중해 왔습니다. 저는 새로운 기술과 디자인 트렌드에 민감합니다. ,최고의 레이저 조각사 및 마킹 경험을 끊임없이 추구합니다.

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