から 731 レビューThe ordering process was ok, people were helpful along the way, but communication is key. I'm unsure if several people get back with you on a question or the same person per request per email, but the fume extractor came in before the laser, a few days later the laser, then a week or better the rotary and the safety shield. I had a couple of different explanations as to the shipping of the rotary, and for some reason (not sure if it was UPS communication failure or between Commarker and UPS) but the rotary just showed up with no tracking notification, so it was a shocker when the driver pulled up with the box. So like anything else you spend money on, when things don't show up as soon as planned, you worry a bit with a company you've not worked with before.
I haven't been able to use the rotary yet, I'm still learning the EZCad 2 ソフトウェア (not easy) and difficult to install in my view, but it's new to me.
It takes time to get the pieces of the complete setup all together, so don't get discouraged, be patient.
ここまでは順調ですね, I made my first cut out with it last night, looks great, clean and no burns on MDF. I'll try more materials today.
The focus on the machine is crucial, all of the other settings are to be leaned and recorded by the user. There's that.
I do plan on ordering from Commarker again in the future for a fiber laser, people seem happy with them as well, and so far so good with my purchase of the UV laser. The entire process of shipping everything took about 10 日々 / two weeks be patient while waiting for your order.

これらのフィルターは高品質です. ヒューム抽出器は多くの微細粒子を引き込み、これらのプレフィルターは非常に効果的であることがわかり、より高価なHEPAと炭のフィルターを頻繁に交換する必要があります。.

このマシンは仕事に最適で、問題なくスムーズに走っています. 私は部品をマークし、それは魅力のように機能します.

B6モパは速いです, そして、結果は常に信頼できます. 私はそれを多くの異なる材料に使用しました, そして、それはそれらすべてを簡単に処理します.


個人的なプロジェクトやカスタム作成に最適です. 私はこの彫刻家をいくつかのDIYギフトに使用しています, そして、私はそれに本当に満足しています.