Видеообзоры ComMaker


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Лазерное удаление ржавчины — это то, чем он давно хотел заняться.. Недавно, he acquired the Commarker before a волоконный лазерный гравер that enables this process. In a short video, he demonstrates how to remove rust using commarker b4 20w волоконная лазерная маркировочная машина and shares the parameters he used. Welcome to Mopine Lasers; let’s delve into it before we address the actual rust.

Whats Rust

Первый, he explained to us what rust is, and he intends to use a Коммаркер B4 волоконный лазерный гравер for rust removal.

Rust is a reddish-brown or orange-yellow substance that forms on the surface of iron or steel objects due to a chemical reaction between iron and oxygen, commonly known as oxidation. Конкретно, when iron reacts with oxygen, it forms compounds known as iron oxides. This process is often accelerated in humid environments where water can speed up the oxidation of iron. Rust typically appears as a powdery or flaky substance covering the surface of iron or steel objects, giving them a corroded appearance. It not only affects the aesthetics of the metal but can also lead to a loss of strength and durability. Поэтому, preventing and treating rust is crucial for preserving the quality and longevity of iron or steel objects.

КомМаркер B4 – 20Волоконный лазерный гравер W/30 Вт/50 Вт/60 Вт/100 Вт&машина для лазерной маркировки

(11 Отзывы клиентов)
$1,999 $1,599 Сохранять:$400

Волоконный лазерный гравер B4 0,01 мм Точность 15 000 мм/с Скорость гравировки 20 Вт Мощность лазера ComMarker Волоконный лазерный гравер ComMarker B4 0,01 мм Точность 15 000 мм/с

0 вращающийся
D69*1 поворотный
D69+D80 Роторный
D80 Ротари

Principle of laser rust removal

The principle of laser rust removal is based on the high energy and high focusing properties of lasers, as well as the optical characteristics of the oxide layer and the metal surface. The main principles include the following:

1. Optical absorption: When a laser beam is directed onto the surface of a metal, the oxide layer (such as rust) absorbs the energy of the light because of its darker color, making it more prone to absorbing light energy.

2. Thermal effect: The absorbed light energy causes the oxide layer to rapidly heat up. Once reaching high temperatures, the oxide layer begins to decompose or evaporate. This high temperature causes the oxide layer to detach from the metal surface and be evaporated or ejected under the action of the laser beam.

3. Optical selectivity: Laser beams can be highly focused, allowing precise control of the area affected by the laser. This means that the laser energy is concentrated only on the oxide layer to be removed, without causing damage to the metal surface.

В итоге, laser rust removal utilizes the high energy and focusing properties of lasers to precisely concentrate light energy on the oxide layer on the metal surface. This results in heating, decomposition, or evaporation of the oxide layer, achieving cleaning and rust removal without damaging the metal itself.

Thermal Expansion

Thermal expansion occurs when subjected to high temperatures due to the energy, although this happens on a microscopic scale, hence why the metal doesn’t visibly melt. The intense heat also induces thermal expansion in the rust at a significantly faster rate than the underlying metal. This discrepancy in expansion, coupled with the extreme heat, causes the rust to break its bond with the metal surface. Subsequently, the rust particles can either vaporize or be forcefully ejected from the surface. By fine-tuning the laser settings, one can target the rust layer without causing damage to the underlying metal. When using a fiber laser, three primary parameters can be controlled: скорость, власть, и частота. Fiber lasers have the capability to produce very high peak powers, reaching tens of kilowatts, by concentrating the energy delivery into short, rapid-fire pulses. Even low-powered fiber lasers can effectively remove rust layers through a series of micro-explosions generated by the rapid pulses. These quick pulses help prevent overheating of the underlying base metal. For rust removal, it is advisable to use low-frequency settings, as higher frequencies may not deliver enough energy to induce ablation on the surface.


В заключение, it is advisable to also use low power at low frequencies, as high power at low frequencies may not be optimal for the components inside the fiber laser. Кроме того, it is recommended to set up a fume extractor to remove the generated fumes. Here are some of the attempts made using the 20W fiber laser from Commarker. The settings used will be displayed over the video to demonstrate the contrast between rust removal using sandpaper and laser. This showcases the effectiveness of removing rust using a fiber laser. Don’t forget to subscribe and explore our channel to learn more about лазерный гравер. Спасибо за просмотр, and I look forward to your continued support in the next video.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EngK8UBOLB4

О Дэвид Ли

Привет, Я Дэвид Ли, Я страстный и творческий профессиональный коммерческий специалист по лазерной гравировке и маркировке с богатым опытом и широким спектром знаний.. Над прошлым 10 годы, Я сосредоточился на лазерных граверах и решениях для маркировки для различных коммерческих проектов. Я чувствителен к новым технологиям и тенденциям дизайна. ,постоянный поиск лучшего лазерного гравера и опыта маркировки

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