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充满先进功能, the modern marketplace is saturated with laser engravers due to their high demand. 然而, enhanced safety is not supported by all manufacturers. Safety is integral while using laser engravers.

Even short exposure to a laser can lead to permanent eye damage, and skin burns to the individual, along with risks of fire hazards. With the flexible manufacturing and print-on-demand industry growing at an exponential rate, laser engravers are opted by many SMEs and big corporations.

激光雕刻机 play a big part in the production of customized products, bulk production of medical supplies, or creating intricate designs on several materials. Although this technique is highly precise and time-efficient than traditional engraving methods, it requires safety features and certifications for user convenience.

在这方面, ComMarker which is a leading provider of laser engraving and marking came out with its high-performing laser engraver enclosure. It is equipped with optimized features that protect the operator from harm.

To understand better the Commarker’s 激光雕刻机外壳, we have created a detailed article for our readers below. It highlights the product’s construction, working, and its many characteristics.

Improved Safety Feature

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ComMarker has taken one step ahead in this direction to protect the users and provide reliable engraving solutions. They introduced a new laser engraver enclosure. Their 激光雕刻机 now comes with a switch and a port which need to be activated and connected for the enclosure to work.

Switch Function

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The primary safety control of the laser engraver is the switch. When the switch is turned on, 它使外壳能够检测到门何时打开. 它使机器停止工作. 如果开关关闭,则激光雕刻机正常工作,不依赖于门的关闭或打开.


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该端口设计用于连接激光雕刻与外壳. 这使得视觉传感器能够工作并检测外壳门的打开和关闭. 它还检测开关是否打开或关闭.


新的安全功能内置了一个联锁机制. 它会阻止激光雕刻机运行,直到门牢固关闭. 联锁系统的一个组件是机械开关或传感器,可以识别机柜门何时关闭. 门的打开状态会提示激光雕刻机自动关闭. 这会切断激光产生的任何光束.


旨在最大限度地降低机器操作人员因激光照射而受伤的风险, ComMarker 精心打造激光雕刻机外壳. 新开关的出现实现了许多将机器连接到机柜的新功能. 该外壳易于操作,只需几个步骤即可安装. 我们详细介绍了激光雕刻机外壳的使用方法 4 以下简单步骤.


步 1: 激活开关

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  • ComMarkr 激光雕刻机背面的左上角, 提供一个开关.
  • 按下开关使安全联锁机构启动. 这可确保激光雕刻机仅在外壳门关闭时运行.

步 2: 连接激光雕刻机与外壳

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  • 交换机底部有一个端口连接空间.
  • 从外壳中取出电线并将端口放置在空间中. 扭转它以将其固定到位.
  • 这会自动允许外壳的传感器检测其空间内的运动.

步 3: 激光雕刻机激活

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连接两个设备后, 机器接收到安全联锁信号. 确保在此步骤中机柜门已关闭.

  • 这是激光雕刻控制系统中预先确定的, 它以激光雕刻机工作安全的形式理解信号.
  • 操作员现在可以激活激光束以创建所需的设计而不会受到干扰.

步 4:安全联锁脱离

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一旦机柜门有意或无意打开, 它会中断激光雕刻过程.

  • 一旦外壳门打开,安全联锁机构就会脱离. 激光雕刻机控制系统依靠该信号来停止激光头产生激光束.
  • 为了让它再次发挥作用, 关闭外壳门并根据其功能打开激光雕刻机.


$287 $258 节省:$29

激光雕刻机外壳, 降噪,隔烟M尺寸外壳适用于20W机器; L 尺寸外壳适用于



讨论了 ComMarker 的功能和最佳使用方式后 光纤激光雕刻机, 我们想讨论它的一些优势特性.

1. 降噪

该外壳的首要特点是它由透明亚克力板组成. 这些板可以吸收噪音. 它显着降低了激光雕刻机发出的噪音, 这是例外的. 它可以帮助操作员更好地操作机器并延长工作时间,而不会出现任何偏头痛或头痛.

2. 隔烟设计

设备后端有排烟口, 减少外壳内多余烟雾的积累. 您还可以在出口处安装排烟器,以消除雕刻区域中可能存在的任何烟雾和碎片. This provides a clean and clear view of the engraving process. It also reduces the interference of any debris with the laser beam, which can ruin the engraving design.

3. Fire-resistant Construction

The frame of the enclosure is made of premium-quality aluminum alloy. This has fire-resistant properties in case of any fire hazards. The acrylic plates and the frame are capable of holding any fire within to keep the operator of the machine safe from burns or injuries. The construction of the enclosure is also top-notch, which makes it highly durable and long-lasting.

4. Auto-Turn Off

A feature that is one of the most important in ComMarker’s laser engraver enclosure is its auto-turn-off. If the individual opens the enclosure door, then the laser engraver turns off automatically. This will not turn on until the enclosure door is securely closed. The enclosure is also simple to clean and operate.

5. Integrated Lighting System

Within the enclosure, there is a lighting system. It allows the engraving area to stay well-lit for precision during the process.

Real-life Applications and Purpose

Here are a few applications of the ComMarker laser engraver enclosure.

1. Reduction of Accidental Damage

There is evidence of many incidences reported where slight laser exposure has left the person operating it with severe burns, eye damage, skin ruptures, and even fire risks. The enclosure’s protection feature ensures that the laser machine is not functional If its door stays closed. This allows to creation safe working environment for the operator during long engraving hours.

2. Regulatory Compliance

Controlled workspace provision is a big advantage of the laser engraving enclosure. This ensures compliance of the laser marking operations with the safety standards and regulations. It directly enhances the reliability of the manufacturer.

3. Improve Air Quality

During laser engraving, generally, debris and harmful fumes are everywhere. This causes the air to get contaminated and can cause various breathing issues in the individuals within that workspace. Removing fumes and debris carefully from the enclosure helps improve the air quality in the laser processing room/area. This makes the air more breathable for longer hours.

4. Enhanced Engraving Quality

As there are no distractions of fumes or waste from the material, the operator can focus on making top-quality designs and carvings with the machine. The operator can concentrate on the task better, which results in high-quality engravings.

5. Compatibility with Various Materials

ComMarker’s laser engraver enclosure is wide enough to fit a variety of machines and materials within. According to the engraving area of the machine, the enclosure can hold several types and sizes of materials. From metal products, and leather to acrylic substances, it helps engrave numerous things.

6. Product Customization and Marking

In manufacturing and industry, laser engravers mark items with logos, 序列号, and additional details. Product marks are uniform and superior because the ComMarker Laser Engraver Enclosure manages engraving.

7. Use in Health Care Industry

Medical devices, prostheses, and specific implants are engraved using laser engravers. 在 ComMarker 激光雕刻机外壳的清洁环境中,可以准确、安全地雕刻这些易碎物品.


操作激光雕刻机时,防止来自激光的高度集中的光束是关键. 无论是工业还是个人空间, 拥有一个安全的工作空间是每个人的首要任务. ComMarker 在这方面不遗余力地提供由高级铝和坚固的丙烯酸板制成的激光雕刻机外壳.

它具有耐火和耐外部条件的能力, 使其成为一项伟大的长期投资. 外壳具有激光自动关闭功能, 如果外壳门打开,则会关闭激光束. 这有助于降低操作员遭受意外伤害的风险. 我们希望本文能帮助您了解 ComMarker 的激光雕刻机外壳及其有效工作.

关于 大卫·李

你好, 我是大卫·李, 我是一位充满激情和创造力的专业商业激光雕刻师和打标专家,拥有丰富的经验和广泛的知识. 在过去的 10 年, 我专注于各种商业项目的激光雕刻机和打标解决方案。我对新技术和设计趋势很敏感 ,不断寻求最好的激光雕刻机和打标体验

