

Fiber Laser Work

光纤激光器 are highly efficient, precise tools used across various industries for tasks like cutting, 雕刻, 和标记. Understanding how they work requires exploring their history, components, and the science behind laser technology.

What Are Fiber Lasers?

光纤激光器 are a specific type of laser where the active medium that generates the laser beam is an optical fiber. These fibers are doped with rare earth elements like erbium, 镱, or neodymium, which allow the fiber to amplify the light inside. Unlike CO2 lasers that use gas, fiber lasers rely on these elements to enhance and guide light into a fine, concentrated beam.

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When Was the Fiber Laser Invented? The History of LASERS

The foundation of 光纤激光器 technology dates back to the early 1960s with the invention of the laser itself. 期限 “激光” stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation, a concept first demonstrated by Theodore Maiman in 1960. While early lasers were primarily gas-based (like CO2 lasers), 光纤激光技术 was introduced later, around the 1980s, as advancements in optical fibers and rare-earth doping emerged. Fiber lasers quickly gained popularity for their high efficiency and low maintenance.

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Bassov (正确的) and Prokhorov (left) show Towns (center) around their lab

How a Laser Works

A laser works by amplifying light and emitting it as a coherent, highly concentrated beam. It starts with a photon that excites atoms in the gain medium (in the case of fiber lasers, the optical fiber doped with rare earth elements). As these atoms return to their ground state, they release photons, which in turn stimulate more photons, creating a cascade effect that amplifies light.

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The Importance of Refraction

Refraction is crucial in laser technology as it helps guide the light within the optical fiber. The optical fiber’s core, with a higher refractive index than the cladding, traps light and forces it to propagate along the fiber’s length, even around bends. This total internal reflection ensures that the light remains confined until it exits as a powerful, focused beam.

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How Is Light Amplified?

Light amplification in fiber lasers happens when energy is introduced into the fiber through a pump diode. This energy excites the rare-earth atoms, causing them to release photons. These photons travel through the fiber core, stimulating other atoms to release even more photons in a chain reaction, ultimately producing a highly amplified and coherent laser beam.

How Is Light Turned Into a Focused Beam?

After amplification, the laser beam is collimated and focused using 镜片. A collimator ensures the light travels in a parallel direction, while a focusing lens brings the laser beam to a tight focal point. This concentrated energy allows the fiber laser to cut, 雕刻, or mark materials with incredible precision, especially metals like stainless steel or aluminum.

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What Are the Types of Fiber Lasers?

Fiber lasers come in various types, each suited for different applications:

  • 连续波 (连续波) 光纤激光器: Emit a continuous beam of laser light, ideal for cutting or welding.
  • 脉冲光纤激光器: Emit laser pulses at set intervals, perfect for precision tasks like marking or engraving.
  • 莫帕 (主振荡器功率放大器) 光纤激光器: These offer more control over pulse durations and frequency, enabling detailed engraving on reflective materials like metals.
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What’s the Difference Between Fiber Lasers and CO2 Lasers?

Fiber lasers and CO2 lasers differ significantly in terms of their operational mechanisms and applications. 二氧化碳激光器 use gas (carbon dioxide) as the laser medium, making them excellent for cutting non-metals like wood, 丙烯酸纤维, 或塑料. 然而, they struggle with metals. 光纤激光器, 另一方面, are better suited for metal applications due to their shorter wavelength (~1.06 µm), which is more effectively absorbed by metal surfaces. 此外, fiber lasers tend to have higher energy efficiency and lower maintenance requirements compared to CO2 lasers.

What is a Fiber Laser Engraver?

A 光纤激光雕刻机 is a specialized machine that uses fiber laser technology to mark or engrave various materials, 特别是金属. Its precision makes it ideal for intricate designs, 序列号, 条形码, and logos on items like jewelry, 工具, 和工业部件. 与传统雕刻方法不同, A 光纤激光雕刻机 uses a non-contact approach, minimizing wear and tear while ensuring detailed, permanent engravings.

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How Long Does a Fiber Laser Last?

One of the significant advantages of fiber lasers is their long operational life. 一般, a fiber laser can last 50,000 到 100,000 小时 before any major components need replacement. This longevity makes fiber lasers highly reliable and cost-effective over time, especially compared to other laser types that may require more frequent maintenance.

What Are the Components of a Fiber Laser?

A typical fiber laser consists of the following key components:

  • Pump Diode: Supplies the energy that excites the atoms in the optical fiber.
  • Optical Fiber: Doped with rare-earth elements like ytterbium or erbium, this fiber amplifies the light.
  • Resonator: Mirrors that reflect the light back and forth, increasing its intensity.
  • Collimator/Focusing Lens: Used to direct and focus the laser beam onto the workpiece.
  • Cooling System: Essential for managing the heat generated during laser operation, ensuring the system runs efficiently.

What Are the Laser Parameters?

The performance of a fiber laser can be adjusted by modifying various parameters, 包括:

  • Power Output: Measured in watts, determines how much energy the laser emits.
  • 脉冲持续时间: In pulsed lasers, this refers to how long each laser pulse lasts.
  • 频率: The number of laser pulses emitted per second.
  • 光束质量 (M² factor): Determines the focusability of the laser beam, which directly impacts the precision of the engraving or cutting process.
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How Much Does a Fiber Laser Marking Machine Cost?

The price of a 光纤激光打标机 varies depending on the power, 特征, 和品牌. 例如, 这 康马克B4 光纤激光雕刻机 is available in different models, with prices typically ranging from $1,000 到 $8,000 depending on the wattage and additional accessories. 这 B4-60W model offers higher power and precision for cutting thicker metals, 而 B4-20W model is a more affordable option for detailed engraving tasks.

B4 20W JPT MOPA光纤激光雕刻机

$3,221 $2,577 节省:$644

便携的 & 价格实惠: B4 MOPA 20W 光纤激光雕刻机, 重量 18 公斤,尺寸紧凑. 电动升降: 内置马达,实现精确对焦. 多功能雕刻: 不锈钢上的颜色, 铝制黑色和白色, 加上金属和岩石上的 3D 和深度雕刻. 宽敞的工作区: 双镜头 (110毫米, 200毫米) 具有精确的红点校准. 增强型…

0 旋转式
D69 旋转式
D80 旋转式

Where to Buy a Fiber Laser Marker Machine?

If you’re looking to purchase a reliable 光纤激光打标机, 康马克B4 offers high-performance options suited for both small businesses and industrial use. You can buy the ComMarker B4 series directly from the official ComMarker website, where you can explore different models like the B4-60W and B4-20W. These machines are also available on e-commerce platforms or through authorized distributors.

关于 大卫·李

你好, 我是大卫·李, 我是一位充满激情和创造力的专业商业激光雕刻师和打标专家,拥有丰富的经验和广泛的知识. 在过去的 10 年, 我专注于各种商业项目的激光雕刻机和打标解决方案。我对新技术和设计趋势很敏感 ,不断寻求最好的激光雕刻机和打标体验
