
Soldagem a laser de bateria pela máquina de gravação a laser ComMarker B4

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Bem-vindo à vanguarda da inovação, onde o ComMarker B4 Laser Engraving Machine not only showcases its prowess in intricate engraving but takes center stage in the precision art of laser welding. This essay is your gateway to a comprehensive understanding of the parameters that propel the ComMarker B4 into a league of its own in the domain of laser welding. As we navigate through the intricacies of this cutting-edge technology, our focus intensifies on the nuanced settings and controls that define the welding process. Join us on a journey that emphasizes our commitment to transparency, as we unravel the secrets behind the parameters that elevate laser welding with the ComMarker B4 to unprecedented levels of accuracy and efficiency.


Informação básica:

Programas EZCAD
Máquina ComMarker B4 Mopa Laser Engraving Machine
Potência de saída do módulo laser 60C
Material usado

Bateria,folha de alumínio

Informações materiais

Bateria,folha de alumínio

Fazendo tempo(é) 30S


Método de Processo Laser Welding
Material de Processo

Bateria,folha de alumínio

Velocidade(mm/s) 25
Poder maximo(%) 100
Frequência(KHz) 100
Passar 1


Etapa 1: Precision Design on the Software

Initiate the laser welding journey by meticulously drawing the welding trajectory on the software. This critical step involves crafting intricate traces that map out the welding path with precision. The ComMarker B4 Laser Engraving Machine transforms the digital canvas into a playground for creativity, allowing users to define welding trajectories that cater to the specific intricacies of their project.

Etapa 2: Configure Parameters for Optimal Performance

With the welding trajectory established, the next imperative move is to set the parameters on the ComMarker B4. This involves fine-tuning essential variables such as power, velocidade, and other factors critical for optimal welding performance. The versatility of parameter adjustments empowers users to tailor settings to various materials and project intricacies, ensuring a seamless welding process.

Etapa 3: Dynamic Preview and Real-time Adjustments

Prior to initiating the welding process, leverage the advanced preview feature to project the meticulously crafted trace onto the actual welding object. This step serves as a crucial checkpoint, allowing operators to make real-time adjustments to the size and position of the welding pattern. The ComMarker B4’s dynamic preview functionality ensures that users have full control over the welding trajectory, guaranteeing precision and accuracy.

Etapa 4: Seamless Start to Laser Welding

With parameters configured and the welding trajectory previewed and perfected, the final step is as straightforward as clicking the start button. The ComMarker B4 simplifies the initiation of laser welding, making it accessible for users at all skill levels. Witness the transformation as the laser precisely navigates the traced path, seamlessly fusing materials and delivering impeccable welds with just a simple click.


Resumindo, the ComMarker B4 Laser Engraving Machine streamlines the laser welding process through a systematic approach. From intricate trace design to parameter configuration and real-time adjustments, each step ensures meticulous precision in laser welding, making the ComMarker B4 an indispensable tool for diverse applications in the realm of advanced manufacturing.

Arquivos de projeto:

Battery Laser welding by ComMarker B4 laser engraving machine.ezd


Sobre David Lee

Olá, Eu sou David Lee, Sou um gravador a laser comercial profissional apaixonado e criativo e especialista em marcação com uma vasta experiência e uma ampla gama de conhecimentos. Nos últimos 10 anos, Tenho me concentrado em gravadores a laser e soluções de marcação para diversos projetos comerciais. Sou sensível a novas tecnologias e tendências de design ,buscando constantemente a melhor experiência em gravação e marcação a laser

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