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您是否注意到金属板上的那些硬币标记或凸起图案? 它们是光纤激光模型的一些主要工作原理,可深入金属以产生压花结果.

这些激光光学器件重塑了金属精确雕刻和标记的方式,令人惊叹, 但这是一个亟待解决的问题: “这些尖端激光机可以雕刻金属多深?”

现在, 在我们继续前进之前, 知道深度是至关重要的 光纤激光打标机 能否达到取决于很多事情, 如材料结构组成, 激光参数, 和表面处理.

一旦你清楚地了解了它可以达到的深度, 您可以在多个领域发挥您的创造力,并将其用于多个应用程序, 因此,让我们系好安全带,共同深入研究先进光学原理和高功率激光束的科学,这样您就可以挖掘这些机器雕刻金属的最后一滴潜力.


当你进入雕刻世界, 您可能会听说光纤激光系统是最受关注的. 这是因为它们是最稳定的标记选择, 它利用光纤来放大光并产生令人难以置信的强大光束,适用于多组材料.

它的工作原理是这样的——整个过程都是从在提供电源时激活装有激光活性材料的微小纤维开始的. 这种兴奋使它们能够发射光子 (微小的光粒子 ) 在纤维内来回弹跳, 每次反弹都会变得更加放大. 当他们正值巅峰时, 它们以集中激光束的形式从光纤中爆发出来.

您应该考虑的原因 光纤激光机 因为您的第一选择可以通过其一系列令人惊叹的好处来证明. 首先, 这些激光模型, 尤其是 ComMarker B4 型号, 非常精确和准确. 您甚至可以在这里了解微观级别的精度. 这意味着您甚至可以在金属表面雕刻出微小的细节,而不会影响质量.

不仅, 但这些强大的系统速度快得惊人, 眨眼间即可完成材料加工. 这种速度使操作员能够节省时间并在更短的时间内处理更多的工件, 这样您就可以轻松满足更大批量的工作.

我们不要忘记多功能性. 光纤激光器装置与多种金属兼容, 包括不锈钢, 铝, 黄铜, 以及你能说出的每一种金属. 所以这对于从事珠宝工作的人来说将是一个令人兴奋的消息, 定制标牌, 工业零件, 或产品可追溯性, 将雕刻游戏提升到一个全新的水平.

康马克B4 – 20W/30W/50W/60W/100W光纤激光雕刻机&激光打标雕刻机

(11 条客户评论)
$1,999 $1,799 节省:$200

B4 光纤激光雕刻机 0.01mm 精度 15000mm/s 雕刻速度 20W 激光功率 ComMarker B4 光纤激光雕刻机 0.01mm 精度 15000mm/s

0 旋转式
D69*1 旋转
D80 旋转式


掌舵我们的 B4 光纤激光系统, 准备好将您最喜欢的金属雕刻成杰作, 我们都知道,只需按一下开始按钮即可. 可是等等, 当你面对深渊时, 这并不像看起来那么容易.

影响这个雕刻部分的因素是多方面的, 对于操作员来说,事先了解所有这些参数非常重要.


– 激光功率: 瓦数如何影响深度

激光电源是该系统的核心部件,就像汽车的发动机一样,这是非常明智的. 它表示激光束在特定时间范围内传递的能量, 它根据激光器类型和架构而变化.

要知道这个参数对于满足循环时间要求是最关键的. A 500W laser may not be five times faster than a 100W, but it’s still much faster.

Spanning from a few watts to several kilowatts, the machine’s laser power would make you roughly calculate the intensity of the beam, thereby affecting the engraving processes’ speed, 深度, 准确性, 和多功能性.

Machines with more horsepower and wattage can etch thicker metal going deep at an approximate depth of 0.3mm and create more intricate designs faster, so If you’ve got an engraving metal that’s thicker and harder, grab a higher-powered machine such as the 100W B4 光纤激光雕刻机 and get your job done.

Most deep engraving applications require at least 100W. At ComMarker, we provide different types of lasers. Our high-power Fiber laser starts at 100W. We also offer a 20W, 30瓦, and 60W fiber laser, 对于敏感金属来说,功率范围较小.

– 金属类型: 金属性能的变化及其影响

当您计划雕刻金属时, 相同的工作公式并不适用于所有人. 每种金属都有其自己的一组特性, 当激光束与它们相互作用时, 它对每个人的反应都不同.

金属特性, 从硬度到电导率, 可以让雕刻变得轻而易举,也可以成为一个挑战. 不锈钢, 例如, 可能需要更多的激光能量才能获得恰到好处的深度, 而铝等较软的金属可能需要更轻的触感.

– 雕刻速度: 平衡速度和深度

将速度与频率混淆是很常见的, 但它们是两个不同的参数. 频率是激光束在给定时间内击中目标的次数, 而速度是指激光束移动的速度.

A slower speed means that the laser beam remains longer over the same area, resulting in an increase in the amount of energy in that area, allowing you to engrave deeper and faster.

But there’s a point where too much energy may overheat and discolor the surface. 也就是说, finding a delicate balance between going fast enough to be efficient yet slow enough for those marks to sink in just right. Too slow, and you risk burning through the metal; too fast, and you might not get the depth you’re looking for.

As you work with deep engraving, keep this general rule in mind: reduce the engraving speed of the machine so you can extend the time the laser stays on the surface of the object, allowing for greater penetration into the metal.

– 激光焦点: 优化激光聚焦深度

As surprising as it may sound, the focal lens of the 光纤激光机 is also one of the impacting forces of deep metal engraving.

Just like your camera lens, where you focus it right to make all the difference, optimizing the focus of the laser, you let every ounce of fiber energy to concentrate exactly where you need it, maximizing the depth of your engraving and leaving a lasting impression.

The Lenses control how the laser beam is focused, and only a highly focused beam can reach the intensity required for deep engraving. Using the right lens can effectively double the engraving speed.


In reference to distinguished material properties and their alternative responses to laser energy, the estimation of the marking depth that can be achieved with these laser machines also varies.

We already understand that laser parameters and application-specific requirements also affect laser marking depth, so keeping that in mind, here are the maximum depths achievable with various common materials:


  • 钢: Laser marking on steel can typically achieve a depth of 0.01mm to 0.5 毫米, but this can alter as per the steel’s composition, surface finish, and laser parameters. This depth can get you to mark clear and durable patterns, 标志, serial numbers or other identifiers on steel surfaces without compromising the structural integrity.
  • 铝: Compared to steel, aluminum has reflective properties that typically result in shallower marks, ranging in depth from approximately 0.3mm with 30W power. Anodized aluminum surfaces can sometimes provide deeper marks due to their enhanced surface reaction with the laser.
  • 银: 银以其闪亮的外观而闻名, 可实现 0.01 毫米至 0.2 毫米之间的打标深度. 由于其高反射率, 实现更深的标记可能需要特定的激光设置和技术.
  • 黄铜: 它是一种铜锌合金,可以吸收光纤激光束 1.06 微米. 它具有一些良好的散热性能, 让雕刻变得非常得心应手. 虽然它是一种高反光材料, 它只能由我们的光纤激光器型号工作.


最大限度地提高金属上的雕刻深度就像解锁光纤激光机的隐藏宝藏. 具有更高的峰值功率和焦距可调性, 它们与金属配合得非常好,可以产生高对比度和深标记.

照这样说, 仍然需要仔细探索某些领域以确保成功. 以下是一些技巧,可确保您在保持质量的同时实现这些雕刻.


当执行雕刻任务时, 这一切都取决于过程中使用的材料. 众所周知,并非所有金属都是生而平等的. 易腐蚀的金属更难雕刻.

深雕不锈钢和铁属于此类. 铁和不锈钢从暴露的内部腐蚀得更快. 尤其是不锈钢天然具有保护层, 雕刻扰乱了它.

如果您计划在这些金属类型上使用深度金属激光雕刻机, 考虑在雕刻后添加防腐密封条.


有时, 让激光束穿过金属一次还不够; it requires your Fiber lasers to perform multiple passes to achieve your desired level of output. In such cases, gradually increasing the laser power and allowing multiple engraving sessions is all you need for that level of depth. 同时, you do have control over the process just to maintain the quality.


Fine-tuning the laser parameters is the optimal secret to achieving deep engraving. Find the sweet spot between frequency, 力量, speed and focus of the Fiber laser system to have metals pop like a masterpiece. You can experiment with different settings as a test to strike the perfect balance between depth and quality.

Select Shorter Focal Length:

Since the lens contributes majorly to the engraving task, picking the right one is what it entails. The right one means here lens with a shorter focal length to let the concentration of the laser beam be more tightly, allowing for a deeper penetration into the metal.

Cooling and Ventilation:

Deep engraving can simply translate as the high heat emitting process; arranging for cooling equipment and a well-ventilated working space becomes a necessary part of your task. This practice would significantly prevent metal from overheating and ensure consistent quality, especially at greater depths.

Consistent Monitoring and Adjustment Upon Need

Since deep metal engraving is a delicate task, your attentive eye should witness this all as the machine goes deeper. Keep a check on the beam quality, surface temperature, and engraving depths, and be ready for any immediate adjustment to the settings or techniques as to maintain the quality throughout the process.


Opting for Fiber laser systems as your choice of tool for deep metal engraving opens up many avenues across a multitude of industries and applications. 所以, whether you be a contractor, industrial manufacturer, site manager, or even someone with a spark of creativity, this machine serves all.

Not only do you get to see these machines showing their potential in commercial or industrial setups, but this has far reached the doors of creative homeowners.

Let’s explore each with more detail.

– 工业用途:

In the industrial realm, deep metal engraving is all about functionality. Imagine those engraving machines intricately marking bar codes and serial numbers on workpieces for traceability, brand logos stamping on products for identity, or even compliance markings to show they meet regulatory standards.

And while your grocery cashier scans through your products, the barcodes you see are the result of deep laser engravings, making the whole process much smoother and more efficient.

Even the fine jewelry you purchase for your loved one with engraved messages, personalized inscriptions, or a person’s initial– these are all crafted by deep engraving technique, so those receiving them can find them unique and meaningful.

Your aerospace, electronic, and medical industry isn’t out of this. The deep marking facilitates these industries for assembly, 维护, and branding of these equipment, leaving a durable and precise mark that holds both aesthetic and sentimental value.

– 艺术应用: 定制和装饰雕刻

In the category where creativity and artistry prevail, deep laser engraving emerges as a captivating medium where the collaboration of laser technology and craftsmanship yields breathtaking results.

Every pulse of the laser beam hits with accurate precision and depth as artists get down with their 金属激光雕刻机 to mark inert metal surfaces, turning them into jaw-dropping pieces of beauty right in front of your eyes.

Whether it’s enhancing your everyday metal objects like tumblers, 钥匙扣, or dog tags or even marking your favorite metal phone cases, cutlery, or watches, deep engraving seamlessly integrates into these objects, serving practical, aesthetic, and personalization purposes in various domains.



– 光纤激光器雕刻深度的物理限制

When leveraging Fiber laser models as your engraving tool for deep metal engraving, there are some hurdles and roadblocks to watch out for. 首先, the physical constraints of the machine to reach a certain depth point and the strength of the metal to absorb the laser beam put you in a major thought process.

Though our Fiber laser models are well-designed to carve metals with intricacy, there’s always a limit to how far they can go deep without things getting messy.

This depth science completely changes as the laser parameters vary, such as laser power, 波长, 脉冲持续时间, and the type of metal put into place. Exceeding these depth limits may make your engravings a whole disaster, and you can end up having metals with inconsistent marks.

– 深雕刻的技术挑战

Fiber lasers are powerful tools that often need your technical proficiency to be at a higher level. 这样, we mean the skill and patience to do this kind of engraving job. Deep metal engraving requires perfect laser parameters adjustment, thereby demanding an operator to prevent the laser beam from going too shallow or even not too deep.

这里, it’s all about maintaining consistency. If the heat goes too high, too much of it can cause everything out of the track, making your metal warp or your engraving look faulty. 所以, juggling between the perfect laser settings in terms of speed and power is crucial to remain under control.

还, the variation of metals has different responses under the laser beam, so what might work for one might not work for another. It’s all about activating your technical abilities to master this skill of art.


As we’ve seen, 激光雕刻机 are such versatile machines that have found their way into almost every industry. Serving as tools for engraving, 切割, 焊接, and texturing, to name a few, it has a lot of practical and industrial applications.

Amidst its processing methods, deep laser engraving stands out as a subtype of engraving that calls for different settings than typical engraving. 然而, that doesn’t mean you need a different machine. Though the working principle is almost the same, they’re likely to differ in laser power and speed.

Deep engravers take just a lil bit more time to create an impression on metal components and Instruments. 然而, the engraving depth is so clean and impressive that it gives a significant visual effect and a great feel to the touch.

关于 大卫·李

你好, 我是大卫·李, 我是一位充满激情和创造力的专业商业激光雕刻师和打标专家,拥有丰富的经验和广泛的知识. 在过去的 10 年, 我专注于各种商业项目的激光雕刻机和打标解决方案。我对新技术和设计趋势很敏感 ,不断寻求最好的激光雕刻机和打标体验

