

Rust removal on a coin by a fiber laser engraver
播放有关的视频 使用光纤激光雕刻机去除硬币上的锈迹


不懈追求最佳除锈效果, we proudly present the Commarker B4 光纤激光雕刻机—a technological marvel designed to redefine precision in metal surface restoration. As industries grapple with the challenges posed by rust, 我们的 激光雕刻机 emerges as a cutting-edge solution, boasting an array of meticulously calibrated parameters. The Commarker B4 excels in fine-tuning power, 频率, 和速度, providing unparalleled control over the rust removal process. With its dynamic range of settings, this state-of-the-art device ensures efficient and targeted corrosion elimination, adapting seamlessly to diverse metal surfaces. Join us as we explore the parameters that set the 康马克B4 apart, delivering a new standard of excellence in rust removal, where precision meets innovation.


软件 易ZCAD
机器 ComMarker B4 Mopa Fiber Laser
激光模块输出功率 60瓦
使用材料 Rusted coin
材料信息 Rusted coin
腾出时间(分钟) 3 分钟



工艺方法 Hatching
工艺材质 Rusted coin
速度(毫米/秒) 1000
最大功率(%) 90
经过 Depends on how rusted the material is
行距 0.05


步 1: Draw the Circle According to the Shape and Size of the Coin

The initial step in utilizing our Commarker B4 Laser Engraver for rust removal involves accurately drawing the circle on the affected area, aligning it with the specific shape and size of the coin. This precision ensures that the laser targets the rusted portions with accuracy, facilitating efficient removal.

步 2: 设置参数

Once the circle is defined, configuring the engraving parameters becomes crucial. The Commarker B4 offers a user-friendly interface to set parameters such as power, 频率, 和速度. These parameters can be adjusted based on the extent of rust and the metal type, ensuring a tailored approach to each rust removal task.

步 3: Check the Size and Position Through the Preview

Prior to initiating the engraving process, it is imperative to preview the proposed engraving area. This step allows operators to verify the size and position of the circle, ensuring that the laser is precisely targeted to the rusted region. The preview feature provides a visual confirmation, minimizing the chances of errors and enhancing overall accuracy.

步 4: Start the Engraving

With the parameters set and the preview validated, the Commarker B4 Laser Engraver is ready to commence the rust removal process. The laser’s focused energy works meticulously within the predefined circle, dislodging rust particles and restoring the metal surface to its original state.

步 5: Check the Effect and Repeat the Process if Necessary

Following the completion of the engraving process, a thorough examination of the results is essential. If any traces of rust persist, operators have the flexibility to repeat the process. This iterative approach ensures that even stubborn rust is effectively addressed, guaranteeing a comprehensive and high-quality restoration.


综上所述, the ComMarker B4 Laser Engraver stands out as a pivotal tool in streamlining the rust removal process. Its systematic approach, marked by precision, adaptability, and user-friendly features, ensures a seamless and efficient experience for users. The machine’s ability to navigate the complexities of rust removal with accuracy is a testament to its advanced technology. Whether addressing intricate details or tackling larger surfaces, the ComMarker B4 consistently delivers impeccable results. In the realm of rust removal, this laser engraver not only enhances productivity but also sets a new standard for excellence, making it an indispensable asset for various applications.


Rust removal on a coin by a fiber laser engraver.ezd


关于 大卫·李

你好, 我是大卫·李, 我是一位充满激情和创造力的专业商业激光雕刻师和打标专家,拥有丰富的经验和广泛的知识. 在过去的 10 年, 我专注于各种商业项目的激光雕刻机和打标解决方案。我对新技术和设计趋势很敏感 ,不断寻求最好的激光雕刻机和打标体验

