
해방된 정밀도: Optimizing ComMarker B4 Fiber Laser Engraving for PCB Boards

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그만큼 ComMarker B4 파이버 레이저 조각기 introduces a groundbreaking approach to laser engraving on PCB boards, 경도와 내마모성으로 유명. This introduction explores the vital realm of parameter optimization, specifically delving into power, 속도, and frequency adjustments crucial for achieving precision in engraving while preserving the integrity of PCB material. As a beacon of versatility and precision, 그만큼 컴마커 B4 emerges as a key player in industrial engraving. This concise overview sets the stage for a detailed exploration of parameter fine-tuning, offering insights and recommendations. By uncovering optimal settings, this advancement ensures the seamless integration of technology, enabling intricate designs, clear markings, and durable engravings on PCB boards, propelling the capabilities of laser engraving to new heights.

기본 정보:




ComMarker B4 Mopa

레이저 모듈 출력 전력


사용된 재료


재료 정보

PCB board

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공정 재료

PCB board



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Line space



Step 1: Design the Circuit Diagram

Initiate the laser engraving process by meticulously crafting the circuit diagram that corresponds to the desired specifications for the PCB board. Ensure accuracy and precision in the design to reflect the intended functionality of the circuit.

Step 2: Input the Circuit Diagram into EZCAD

Utilize the user-friendly interface of EZCAD to seamlessly transfer the meticulously designed circuit diagram. This software facilitates a smooth transition from the digital design phase to the practical implementation on the ComMarker B4 파이버 레이저 조각기.

Step 3: Set the Parameters

Fine-tune the engraving parameters on the ComMarker B4, considering factors such as power, 속도, 및 빈도. Calibration at this stage ensures optimal engraving performance and material preservation.

Step 4: Preview and Adjust Position and Size

Preview the circuit diagram on the PCB board using the ComMarker B4’s preview functionality. Make necessary adjustments to the position and size, aligning the digital design with the physical dimensions of the PCB board for precise engraving.

Step 5: 레이저 조각사 It

Initiate the laser engraving process, allowing the ComMarker B4 to translate the digital circuit diagram onto the PCB board. Monitor the engraving procedure closely to ensure adherence to the set parameters.

Step 6: Check the Result

완료 시, carefully examine the engraved PCB board. Verify that the markings align with the intended circuit design and assess the overall quality of the engraving. This step ensures the accuracy and functionality of the engraved circuit on the PCB board, confirming a successful laser engraving process.


In conclusion, the process of laser engraving a PCB board with the ComMarker B4 파이버 레이저 조각사 involves a systematic series of steps that seamlessly bridge the digital design phase to the tangible realization of a circuit. Commencing with the intricately crafted circuit diagram and its translation into EZCAD, the user navigates through parameter setting, a critical step for achieving optimal engraving results. The preview stage, coupled with adjustments to position and size, refines the alignment of the digital design on the PCB board, ensuring precision.

Executing the laser engraving process marks a pivotal moment, where the ComMarker B4 brings the circuit diagram to life on the robust PCB material. 마지막으로, the thorough examination in the concluding step ensures the accuracy and functionality of the engraved circuit, affirming the success of the entire process. This systematic approach, blending technology, 정도, and user oversight, underscores the efficiency and reliability of the ComMarker B4 Fiber Laser Engraver in achieving high-quality results in PCB board engraving applications.

디자인 파일:

PCB parameter 60W mopa.ezd


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안녕하세요, 저는 데이빗 리예요, 저는 풍부한 경험과 폭넓은 지식을 갖춘 열정적이고 창의적인 상업용 레이저 조각사이자 마킹 전문가입니다.. 과거에 10 연령, 저는 다양한 상업 프로젝트를 위한 레이저 조각기와 마킹 솔루션에 집중해 왔습니다. 저는 새로운 기술과 디자인 트렌드에 민감합니다. ,최고의 레이저 조각사 및 마킹 경험을 끊임없이 추구합니다.

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